dinsdag 25 juli 2006

Using sndrec32.exe to remove DRM from songs

Ok first off create a shortcut for the file sndrec32.exe thats in your C:\windows\system32 folder. Now the player by default only records 60 seconds, so heres how you make it record longer.
Before you press record unplug any microphones you have, and press record, and save the file as blank.wav. Now reopen the blank file, and scroll the bar all the way to the end, and go to the edit menu and chose insert file, and choose the blank.wav file again, and now you have 120 seconds. Now repeat over, and over again till you get about 6 minutes, and resave the file as blank again.
Don't worry if the songs your wanting is'nt that long at least you've got room to play with. Start playing your songs on media player, or winamp, and press record on the sound recorder before you play your song, and stop recording as soon as your song has finished.
Finally go to your edit menu again, and choose delete after current position, and save the file with any name of the song you want, and don't worry if you can't see the filename in the rename bar, it's a windows bug, or something.
At last you have a unprotected file of your song that you can burn to a music CD. Yes it's long, but at least it works...for now that is untill they figure out how to keep us from doing that.

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anoniem zei

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.