zondag 26 maart 2006

Google Help

OPERATOR EXAMPLE FINDS PAGES CONTAINING... vacation hawaii the words vacation and Hawaii . Maui OR Hawaii either the word Maui or the word Hawaii "To each his own" the exact phrase to each his own virus –computer the word virus but NOT the word computer Star Wars Episode +I This movie title, including the roman numeral I ~auto loan loan info for both the word auto and its synonyms: truck, car, etc. define:computer definitions of the word computer from around the Web. red * blue the words red and blue separated by one or more words. I'm Feeling Lucky Takes you directly to first web page returned for your query. CALCULATOR OPERATORS MEANING TYPE INTO SEARCH BOX + addition 45 + 39 - subtraction 45 – 39 * multiplication 45 * 39 / division 45 / 39 % of percentage of 45% of 39 ^ raise to a power 2^5 (2 to the 5th power) ADVANCED OPERATORS MEANING WHAT TO TYPE INTO SEARCH BOX (& DESCRIPTION OF RESULTS) site: Search only one website admission site:www.stanford.edu(Search Stanford Univ. site for admissions info.) [#]…[#] Search within a range of numbers DVD player $100..150(Search for DVD players between $100 and $150) date: Search only a range of months Olympics date: 3 (Search for Olympics references within past 3 months; 6 and 12-month date-restrict options also available) safesearch: Exclude adult-content safesearch: sex education(Search for sex education material without returning adult sites) link: linked pages link:www.stanford.edu(Find pages that link to the Stanford University website.) info: Info about a page info:www.stanford.edu(Find information about the Stanford University website.) related: Related pages related:www.stanford.edu(Find websites related to the Stanford University website.)
GOOGLE SERVICES URL DESCRIPTION Google Images images.google.com Find images related to your search term. Google News news.google.com Read the most up-to-date news stories about your search term. Froogle http://www.froogle.com/ Find sites selling the exact product you're looking for. Google Groups groups.google.com Usenet discussion group archive dating back to 1981. Google Catalogs catalogs.google.com Search hundreds of online catalogs. Google Labs labs.google.com Test-drive potential future Google products and services. Blogger http://www.blogger.com/ Start your own online journal (or 'blog') with this free self-publishing service.

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