zondag 29 juni 2008

elektronische beslaglegging deurwaarders

Het een en ander moet uit de cache komen! Want we willen niet dat het aan de grote klok komt te hangen!

Kamer akkoord met elektronische beslaglegging deurwaarders 20 mei 2008, behandeling wetsvoorstel - De Kamer gaat ermee akkoord dat deurwaarders elektronisch beslagkunnen leggen op loon, uitkering of bankrekening van iemand met schulden. Zo wil staatssecretaris Albayrak (Justitie) de Gerechtsdeurwaarderswet eenvoudiger en goedkoper maken.

Deurwaarders moeten voor een beslaglegging vaak de hulp inroepen van een werkgever, bank of uitkeringsinstantie. Deze omslachtige papieren procedure wordt vervangen door een elektronische. Is de informatie die deurwaarders zo verkrijgen echter wel goed beveiligd?, vragen Van de Camp (CDA) en De Wit (SP). Staatssecretaris Albayrak denkt van wel. De Koninklijke Beroepsorganisatie van Gerechtsdeurwaarders ontwikkelt hiervoor een gesloten systeem dat geen gebruik maakt van wellicht onveilige e-mailadressen.

Door een wijziging van de Gerechtsdeurwaarderswet kunnen deurwaarders in de toekomst elektronisch bij het UWV achterhalen wie iemands werkgever is. Daardoor hoeven zij bij een loonbeslag geen gebruik meer te maken van handelsinformatiebureaus. Een goede zaak volgens De Wit, als deurwaarders deze informatie maar niet gebruiken voor hun gewone incasso's. Dat zou immers oneerlijke concurrentie betekenen met commerciƫle incassobureaus. Albayrak kan niet uitsluiten dat dit gebeurt, maar belooft te zorgen voor goede controle.

De Kamer stemt 27 mei over het wetsvoorstel. Als de Kamer het wetsvoorstel aanneemt, treedt het uiterlijk voorjaar 2010 in werking, aldus de staatssecretaris

zaterdag 21 juni 2008

zondag 15 juni 2008

zaterdag 14 juni 2008


Hyves ook zat? Via deze link kan je je profiel definitief verwijderen. (Je krijgt eerst nog een weet-je-het-zeker-schermpje).

woensdag 11 juni 2008


Danone scoort onverminderd met toetjes en melkdrankjes. Wat is het geheim van de smid?

Het Franse Danone loopt al jaren voorop met innovatieve yoghurtproducten en melkdrankjes. Hun yoghurt is ook niet zomaar yoghurt, volgens de 500 medewerkers van Danone’s r&d-lab onder de rook van Parijs: Danone-yoghurt geneest veel 'kwalen', en maakt de consument dus gelukkiger... logo_marque_danone

Op de Duitse markt is Danone marktleider met het verantwoorde Actimel, goed voor 80 procent marktaandeel in de sector gezonde melkdrankjes. Met Activia is de toetjesmaker marktleider op het gebied van fruityoghurt, met de klassieker Obstgarten in het segment fruitkwark. En dan komt Danone binnenkort ook nog met Essensis, een yoghurt die je huid laat stralen.

Danone, dat onlangs bekendmaakte Numico te willen overnemen, doet het stukken beter dan concurrenten Unilever en Nestlé. De succesformule? Danone concentreert zich op een paar sterke merken en innovaties, en steekt daar heel veel marketingbudget in.

Zodra een merk minder goed verkoopt, stoot Danone het af. Door sterke decentralisatie is er binnen de Danone-organisatie weinig stroperigheid, waardoor slimme productinnovaties snel op de markt kunnen worden gebracht. En omdat Danone-producten zo’n hoge succeskans hebben, is ook de detailhandel er dol op. Resultaat: meer schapruimte, meer verkopen. De cirkel is rond.

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Windows® SteadyState

Windows® SteadyState™ 2.5 is now available on Windows XP and Windows Vista. Whether you manage computers in a school computer lab or an Internet café, a library, or even in your home, Windows SteadyState helps make it easy for you to keep your computers running the way you want them to, no matter who uses them.

Windows SteadyState runs on genuine copies of Windows XP Professional, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, and Windows Vista Starter. And, Windows SteadyState is offered free of charge to Windows Genuine Advantage customers!

Validation Required234155901_ba39f3471a_b
Before Windows SteadyState can be installed, you are required to validate that your computer is running genuine Microsoft Windows. As described in the privacy statement, Microsoft will not use the information collected during the validation process to identify or contact you. By running genuine Microsoft Windows®, you can download and install Windows SteadyState, as well as enable certain product features and obtain non-security updates and product support from Microsoft. For more information, see the Windows Genuine Advantage Web site.

SteadyState Helps Make it Easier to Manage Your Shared Computers Shared computers are commonly found in schools, Internet and gaming cafés, libraries, and community centers. It is increasingly common for owners, teachers, or non-technical personnel to manage shared computers in addition to their many other responsibilities.

Managing shared computers can be difficult, technically challenging, time-consuming, and expensive. And what’s more, without system restrictions and protections, users can inadvertently change the desktop appearance, reconfigure system settings, and introduce unwanted software, viruses, and other harmful programs. Repairing damaged shared computers can require significant time and effort.

User privacy is also an issue for shared computer environments. Shared computers often use shared user accounts that make Internet history, saved documents, and cached Web pages available to subsequent users.

Windows SteadyState provides a more effective way to help defend shared computers from changes by untrusted users and unwanted software installations. It can also help safeguard system resources.

dinsdag 10 juni 2008

Apple 3G




De nieuwe versie van de iPhone, uitgerust met de mogelijkheid voor 3G dataverkeer, zal op 11 juli in Nederland verkrijgbaar zijn. Dat heeft producent Apple vanavond bekendgemaakt. 


De nieuwe iPhone zal in twee versies beschikbaar zijn: 8 gigabyte en 16 gigabyte, zowel in het wit als het zwart. Naast de toevoeging van 3G is GPS het belangrijkste nieuwe kenmerk van de nieuwe versie. Het is nog niet duidelijk of het apparaat exclusief via een specifiek telecombedrijf te koop zal zijn. Volgens de website van Apple zal het apparaat via exclusief via T-Mobile verkocht worden. Ook bevestigde Apple de nieuwe prijs van de iPhone: 199 dollar voor de 8gb variant, terwijl de 16gb voor 299 dollar over de toonbank moet gaan. Verwacht wordt dat dit respectievelijk 199 en 299 euro zal gaan worden in Nederland.

Apple denkt nog steeds dat een euro gelijk staat aan de dollar.....................

maandag 9 juni 2008

Aprilia Sportcity Cube 125 / 200 / 300

Aprilia Sportcity Cube 125 / 200 / 300

Aprilia launch a new generation of the Sportcity in Europe and include an upgrade to 300cc.


APRILIA SPORTCITY CUBE sportcity300cta0003 300cc

With its original design, the Aprilia Sportcity revolutionised our concept of high wheel scooters from the day it was first presented. Thanks to 15 inch wheels, generous tyres, sporty engines and a superbly rigid frame, the Sportcity stood out immediately for its ability to combine the comfort of a large wheel scooter with the power and handling of a sports scooter to offer a dynamic and exciting solution to the problems of urban mobility. The Sportcity proved an instant winner and went on to become one of Aprilia’s best selling scooters. Its success has been maintained over the years by the regular introduction of new versions and configurations to create a truly complete range. The 2008 model maintains the technical solutions that made the Sportcity a best seller, but is more versatile and elegant than ever. Larger dimensions, a superior finish, and a new 300 cc engine give the 2008 Sportcity an unrivalled price to content ratio. The new Sportcity is not merely restyled but completely renewed, so much so that its third generation is assuming a new name to emphasise the extent of the innovation.

The Aprilia SPORTCITY CUBE is made to satisfy all possible needs in modern urban mobility. Better finished and more elegant than ever, the new Sportcity features a design inspired by dynamism and advanced technology. Its impressive characteristics make it the perfect choice for riders seeking a comfortable, safe and fast scooter that can nip easily through traffic and requires only minimum running costs.

With the introduction of the 300 cc engine, the SPORTCITY CUBE also performs well as a medium range commuter, providing a more global mobility solution. The Sportcity simply cannot be defined as a mere “means of transport”. Instead, it represents for the urban commuter a scooter with an unmistakable sporting image and with the performance and handling of a true Aprilia.

Style has always been one of the Sportcity’s strong points. Now the SPORTCITY CUBE’s

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personality is even more distinctive thanks to restyling of practically every part of the scooter. The new steering head incorporates a brand new instrument cluster, and the front section (mudguard and grille) has been thoroughly redesigned too. The rear section has also undergone major changes. The seat is wider and more comfortable, and the tail is longer, with a larger luggage rack with built-in top box fittings. The new Sportcity looks more elegant than ever, whichever way you look at it.

The new, broad and luxurious seat is great for riding in company and is ergonomically shaped for improved rider and passenger comfort. The special seat textile offers a better grip, reducing the tendency to slide forwards under breaking and improving comfort and safety even further. 

A flat platform is a must for scooters or this type. The SPORTCITY CUBE not only caters for riders’ needs in this area, but stands out for the particularly generous amount of space provided for the feet. The platform of the SPORTCITY CUBE offers unrivalled comfort and maximum load carrying capacity. Its clever shape, narrower where the feet touch the ground, lets riders of all statures get their feet down firmly.

The generous front shield affords excellent protection against the elements. Two vents in the sides perform a dual function, extracting warm air from the radiator and keeping the rider’s legs warm in winter when a leg cover is used.

The new luggage rack incorporates a passenger grab handle and fittings for an Aprilia top box for even greater carrying capacity.

Generous load carrying capacity is also essential on scooters of this type. Meticulous care throughout the design stage combined with intelligent use of space mean that the SPORTCITY is compact on the outside but big inside. Thanks to their strategic dimensions, not even the large wheels have limited the space available to the user. The under-seat storage compartment is big enough to hold a jet helmet with visor and other personal effects besides. This spaciousness has been achieved without sacrificing ergonomics or ease of control. Seat height is still only 815 mm.

Intelligent exploitation of space has enabled Aprilia to build a lockable glove compartment into the rear of the leg shield. Inside is a convenient power socket for charging your mobile phone.

The instruments have been completely redesigned and are decidedly more elegant and provide a wider range of information. The analog-digital dashboard incorporates a rev counter and a multifunctional display like those of the latest superbikes. The various functions of the display can be accessed directly from the handlebars for maximum safety.


The SPORTCITY chassis has always been acclaimed for its precision, comfort and control. The SPORTCITY CUBE maintains the same basic chassis that has proved so effective in the past and has established the model as the urban commuter that the others have to beat when it comes to safety and ridability.
Every care has been taken in the design of the new Sportcity to ensure that the frame remains sufficiently rigid despite elimination of the awkward central tunnel.
The frame is made from high strength steel tube, and is designed to give excellent torsional rigidity and strength despite the flat platform.  This rigid and efficient frame gives the SPORTCITY a feeling of superior control and sporting character typical of true Aprilias.

The hydraulic telescopic fork features 35 mm stanchions and offers a wheel travel of 100 mm for precision control and excellent damping. The Sportcity fork provides the perfect remedy for cobblestones, broken road surfaces and manhole covers.

The engine and transmission assembly acts as swingarm and is damped by two shock absorbers with adjustable spring preload. Because the suspension can be adjusted to suit load and road conditions, maximum safety is ensured in every riding situation. An impressive wheel travel of 80 mm means an excellent level of comfort.

The SPORTCITY CUBE is equipped with 15 inch wheels and generous, high profile tubeless tyres (120/70 at the front and 130/80 at the rear). As a result, total rolling diameter is equivalent to that of a typical 16 inch tyre while the wheel’s shock absorbing ability is actually far greater, giving significant benefits in terms of comfort.
Combined with the excellent frame, the suspension and wheel system gives the Sportcity excellent stability and a truly intuitive ride that anybody can enjoy.

Another one of the SPORTCITY CUBE’s many strong points is its braking system. This is especially true of the top of the range 300 i.e., which adopts a triple disc system (instead of the double disc systems fitted to the 125 and 200) for amazingly short stopping distances and safer than ever riding. Even inexperienced riders can stop quickly while maintaining full control. The two front discs are 260 mm in diameter and are braked by floating calipers with twin parallel pistons. The rear wheel is braked by a 220 mm disc with a single piston caliper.


Another major feature of the Sportcity CUBE 300 i.e. is its advanced engine. This new four-valve engine with electronic fuel injection represents the state of the art for scooter engines. Powerful, flexible, clean running and with miserly fuel consumption, the new single cylinder power plant is the perfect match for the Sportcity. Higher displacement enables the engine to develop even more power, especially in terms of torque – the most important parameter for an urban scooter that needs to accelerate quickly from a standstill. Developing 22.5 HP at 8,000 rpm and 22 Nm of torque at 6,500 rpm, this single cylinder power plant offers pace-setting performance. The engine makes full use of the Sportcity’s dynamic handling, and makes it a perfect choice not only around town but on fast out-of-town roads too.

The 200 cc engine puts out 21 HP, placing this SPORTCITY model at the top of its class. With brilliant acceleration and a high top speed, the SPORTCITY 200 is ideal for rapid mobility even on fast ring roads.

A maximum power of 15 HP allows the 4-valve Sportcity 125 to carry holders of a B class licence (Italian legislation) effortlessly through city traffic and cruise at speeds more than adequate for commuting needs.

Miserly fuel consumption and a generous 9 litre tank give the SPORTCITY great autonomy.


The SPORTCITY CUBE is available in a choice of modern, refined, and elegant colour schemes: Escape Grey, Crowd Silver, Planet Blue, and Aprilia Black.

woensdag 4 juni 2008

zondag 1 juni 2008