zaterdag 13 september 2008

Google Patents

Google Patents
Explanation of terms
Patent Title: The title of each entry in the search results is the title of that specific patent.
Patent applications: We offer you the option to limit search results to only issued patents or applications. Applications are marked as [APPLICATION] in search results.
Sorting options: We automatically sort results by relevance to your search terms, but also provide the option to sort by date.
U.S. Patent Number: The patent office assigns a unique number to each patent.
Filing Date: The filing date is the date on which the patent was filed with the USPTO. The filing date is when the inventors applied for the patent and should not be confused with the issue date, which is the date the patent office granted the patent. If we don't have a filing date for a patent, this field will be blank.
Assignee name: The assignee is the person or organization to which the rights of the patent are assigned. If we don't have an assignee for a patent, this field will be blank.
Patent snippet: We include a snippet of text from the patent to show where the specific search terms were found.

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