maandag 15 december 2008


Tags van Technorati:

02 december

SkyDrive: 25 GB of free online storage

We’re live! You can sign up here:

Here are a few things you’ll find on your shiny new SkyDrive:

  • 25 GB of free online storage
  • Available in 6 more regions and 13 more languages
  • Download entire folders as Zip files (limited release)
  • Gorgeous online slide show for your photos
  • And much, much more!

Check it out and let us know what you think.

zondag 14 december 2008

woensdag 10 december 2008

Tech news

Episode 868

The mouse hits 40-year milestone
Rumor: Apple's iTunes going DRM-free starting Tuesday

(Or not, says
Voluntary campus-wide music licenses could stop the lawsuits
Google's answer to Java, Flash, Windows: Native Client
Sony to lay off 16,000
Tech Spending to Grow 1.6% in 2009
Free crapware removal from
Indiana Bans Driver's License Smiles, For Security
MySpace 'Connects' with Google for MySpaceID
HP unveils displays that yields to the touch

dinsdag 9 december 2008

Apple In-Ear headphones Headphone reviews - CNET Reviews

Apple In-Ear headphones Headphone reviews - CNET Reviews


It Makes iPhone Ringtones!

MakeiPhoneRingtone is a quick drag and drop utility to turn AAC files into ringtones for your iPhone. Make ringtones from audio you already own, instead of purchasing it again and again. 09535763502_5402

MakeiPhoneRingtone is still available, but we recommend using Fission for more robust ringtone editing and creation. Fission does not require AAC files (as MakeiPhoneRingtone does) and will work with almost any audio file. You can edit your file right in Fission and choose Save as iPhone Ringtone right in Fission's File menu. Check out Fission now.

maandag 8 december 2008

DOMUS Technologie-domotic mobile-iPhone

DOMUS Home Security TM, high performance CCTV monitoring software for mobile phones.
Monitor and secure your house, from a distance

Works exclusively with world leader IP Axis cameras. These video cameras combine excellent technical performance with high image quality. They can function autonomously or together with a classical alarm system. Containing multiple functions, whether for surveying an area or checking for the arrival of your family and friends, these cameras will fulfil their role.

The CCTV monitoring software for Axis cameras will allow you to:
- receive free emails on your mobile phone containing pictures of movements detected by your camera(s).
- access to real-time and drive your camera from your mobile. Any time, anywhere in the world.
- remotely activate or disable the motion detection.
- view and manage several cameras in one or multiple locations.

DOMUS Home Security TM works with broadband routers.
It does not require your computer to be switched on to be operational.
No extra cost for alerts or access to your cameras.

Subscribe now and enjoy DOMUS Home Security TM
for 3.80 € (5.13 USD*) per month(1)(VAT included)
or for 6.50 € (8.77 USD*) per month(2)(VAT included)

Price for a named licence for one or more phones and one camera.
(1)Minimum subscription of 12 months, 45.60 € (61.56 USD*) per annum (taxes included).
(2)Minimum subscription of 3 months, 19.50 € (26.32 USD*) per 3 months (taxes included).
* indicative price. 1USD = 0.74€.
Cost per supplementary camera is 2.50 € (3.37 USD*) per month (VAT included).
Compatible with IP Axis cameras and iphone mobile phones.

You have an AXIS camera and an Iphone ?

zaterdag 6 december 2008


iTunes werkt niet meer….

Hij kan geen enkel bestand vinden en dat is toch behoorlijk dramatisch. Want ze staan er namelijk wel! Ik kijk naar de voorkeuren, ja de lokatie van mijn iTunes folder klopt wel… raar. Wat nu?
Ik kan wel elke file openen en samen met iTunes de mp3 weer lokaliseren, maar ik heb momenteel 11.609 liedjes in mijn iTunes staan en die ga ik echt niet per stuk nalopen.

Als ik het niet meer weet ga ik googlen en zo kwam ik op een “How To” website terecht (link) waar uitgelegd werd hoe je via een text editor je bibliotheek kan aanpassen via het XML bestand. Dat is handig  Maar als je dan alles aangepast hebt dan worden al je wijzigingen weer teniet gedaan. Ik heb even een stappenplan gemaakt hoe je nou je verzameling in iTunes aanpast. Let op, ik zeg dat je het programma Kladblok/Notepad moet gebruiken. Dit zeg ik omdat het vrijwel op alle machines standaard staat, maar beter kan je Notepad++ gebruiken. Dat is gratis en veel overzichtelijker.
Open de voorkeuren/preferences van iTunes en verander onder het tabje Advanced het pad naar het juiste pad
Sluit iTunes af en wacht minimaal een minuutphoto
Maak een kopie van “iTunes Library.itl” en “iTunes Music Library.xml” naar een totaal andere lokatie
Ga naar “Mijn Documenten” of “My Documents”, dan Muziek of Music, dan iTunes
Open Kladblok/Notepad en sleep vanuit de verkenner “iTunes Library.itl” naar Kladblok/Notepad
Je ziet dan heel wat rare tekens waar we niets mee kunnen, doe CRTL-A en dan Delete, sla het bestand op
Sleep vanuit de verkenner “iTunes Music Library.xml” naar Kladblok/Notepad
Hier zie je de inhoud van het XML bestand waar je dingen kan wijzigen, houdt de tags (woorden tussen haken -> <…>) in originele staat en tussen de de tags ( dus <…> tekst </…>) kan je wel aanpassen.
Wat ik deed om het juiste pad weer goed te zetten; ik verving het foute pad met het pad dat je tussen de string tags kan vinden. Bijvoorbeeld bij mij is het M:\iTunes en zal je het volgende terug vinden in de XML file; <key>Music Folder</key><string>file://localhost/M:/iTunes/</string>
Als je alle fout paden hebt vervangen door de juiste kan je het bestand opslaan en afsluiten.
Gooi dan alle tempfiles weg zodat je enkel nog wat subfolders, “iTunes Library.itl” en “iTunes Music Library.xml” hebt staan.
Start nu iTunes op en deze zal herkennen dat “iTunes Library.itl” leeg en dus corrupt is en alle data uit de door ons aangepaste “iTunes Music Library.xml” halen.
Zo kan je eigenlijk alles aanpassen wat je zo gek kan bedenken.

Wat nadelen van deze methode;
De datum dat een liedje is toegevoegd zal aangepast worden naar de dag dat je de “iTunes Music Library.xml” moest importeren en alle podcast abbonnementen zullen verdwenen zijn. Maar de eerste interesseert mij niet erg en die laatste is zo weer geabbonneerd, al moet je ze wel even opschrijven.

woensdag 3 december 2008

Image Composite Editor

What is Image Composite Editor?
Microsoft Image Composite Editor is an advanced panoramic image stitcher. The application takes a set of overlapping photographs of a scene shot from a single camera location and creates a high-resolution panorama incorporating all the source images at full resolution. The stitched panorama can be saved in a wide variety of formats, from common formats like JPEG and TIFF to multi-resolution tiled formats like HD View and Silverlight Deep Zoom.

  • State-of-the-art stitching algorithms automaticaly place source images and determine panorama type
  • Advanced orientation adjustment view allows planar, cylindrical, and spherical projections
  • Support for different types of camera motion
  • Excellent exposure blending using Microsoft Research fast Poisson algorithm
  • Automatic cropping to maximum image area
  • No image size limitation - stitch gigapixel panoramas
  • Native support for 64-bit operating systems such as 64-bit Vista
  • Output in a wide variety of image formats:
Microsoft Image Composite Editor is provided free of charge and without official support. However, if you have questions or issues with Image Composite Editor, you may find help at the Image Composite Editor Forum, which is monitored by the developers and provides community-based support.

Uploaded - 03-12-08-3

Posted by ShoZu

Uploaded - 03-12-08-2

Posted by ShoZu

Uploaded - 03-12-08-1

Posted by ShoZu

Uploaded - 03-12-08

Posted by ShoZu

vrijdag 21 november 2008

iPhone 2.2 Software Update

  • Enhancements to Maps
    • Google Street View*
    • Public transit and walking directions
    • Display address of dropped pins
    • Share location via email
  • Decrease in call setup failures and dropped calls
  • hero20081120
  • Enhancements to Mail
    • Resolved isolated issues with scheduled fetching of email
    • Improved formatting of wide HTML email
  • Podcasts are now available for download in iTunes application (over Wi-Fi and cellular network)

vrijdag 31 oktober 2008


Occassionally some Windows Vista user may need to activate his or her copy of Windows Vista operating system through phone activation,

  1. Click on Start Menu.
  2. Type slui  "spatie" 4 into Start Search, and then press Enter.
  3. Go to step 10. Foto-0002

Normal activation procedures for Windows Vista, including fallback on phone activation:

  1. Click on Start Menu.
  2. Right click on Computer and then click Properties, or open the Control Panel -> System and Maintenance -> System icon.
  3. Scroll down to the Windows activation section and click on the Activate Windows now link.

maandag 27 oktober 2008

Google App

Google Zojuist heeft Google een indrukwekkende versie van

Tags van Technorati:

voor de iPhone gelanceerd. De applicatie is gratis te downloaden vanuit de App Store. Je kunt, net zoals in Maps, over het landschap bewegen met multi-touch gebaren en bovendien gebruikt Earth de versnellingsmeter om het beeld verticaal te kantelen. Je kunt bergen in 3D bekijken en er verschijnen overal geo-gelocaliseerde foto’s van Picasa en artkelen van Wikipedia. Je kunt ook naar je huidige locatie vliegen en naar locaties zoeken zoals dat ook mogelijk is in Maps.
App Store: Google Earth


Een nieuwe mogelijkheid binnen YouTube, vanaf nu is het mogelijk om rechtstreeks te linken naar een specifiek punt in een video. Dit is mogelijk door een code op te nemen in de link naar de video, hierin geef je dan het gewenste tijdstip aan waarop de video moet starten. Bijvoorbeeld door achter een standaard URL "#t=1m10s" te plaatsen zal de video direct starten op 1 minuut en 10 seconden, "". Een soortgelijke functie was al beschikbaar voor ingesloten spelers op websites. Door in de code "&start=30" toe te voegen geef je het gewenste tijdstip aan in seconden waarop een video moet starten.

zondag 26 oktober 2008

Piaggio 300cc

After Scarabeo, the range Sportcity is the most popular home Aprilia, and is also the most 'sport', then closer to the Venetian company has built a sound of world titles. But the scooter is known, is born to beat the lap time but to accompany us every day to work, perhaps in some tourist excursion on the weekend, and other even more in there. Ma la missione di SportCity non si esaurisce qui, visto che nel suo dna c'è anche il desiderio di appagare nella guida 'sportiva', proprio come il suo nome suggerisce. But the mission of Sportcity does not end here, because in his dna there is a desire to satisfy driving 'sport', just as its name suggests.
La parola 'sportiva' viene messa volutamente fra virgolette, perché ci tengo a sottolineare che fuori dalle piste, per 'sportiva' si intende un bella guida, facile e intuitiva, non certo al limite! The word 'sport' is deliberately put in quotes, because I want to stress that outside the tracks, for 'sport' is a good guide, easy and intuitive, certainly not the limit!Knipsel2
In questa prova quindi il Cube 300 è stato soppesato non solo in ambito urbano, ma anche in quello turistico e mettendolo alla prova fra le fantastiche curve dei passi dolomitici. In this test, then the Cube 300 was weighed not only in urban but also in tourism and putting to the test between splendid curves of the Dolomite passes.
Una prova approfondita e in qualche modo doverosa, visto che per tutte le versioni e cilindrate precedenti: 125, 200 e 250 , non ero andato oltre i brevi test di presentazione stampa, dove proprio Cube 300 ha esordito in una sfortunata giornata di pioggia. A thorough test and somehow necessary, given that all previous versions and displacements: 125, 200 and 250, I was not gone beyond the brief presentation of test printing, where its 300 Cube said in an unlucky day of rain.
Ma prima di affrontare la prova dinamica, come sempre, cerchiamo di inquadrare nel dettaglio tutte le sue caratteristiche, per capire meglio cosa possiamo aspettarci nella guida su strada. But before addressing the dynamic test, as always, we try to put in detail all its features, to understand better what we can expect in road driving.


zaterdag 25 oktober 2008


ooglebot is the spider that crawls the internet looking for web pages. Whatever the Googlebot sees is what Google uses to decide how a page will rank in the search engine. Knowing this some people have decided to design a web page exactly how they think Google wants it to look like so it will rank better. Often times this can be a very ugly page so they design another page that looks how they want it to look. They then cloak their page so that Googlebot sees the page written for it and everybody else sees the page written for humans. This is against the Google rules.



When you surf the net your Internet browser sends out messages telling the website things about itself. Websites keep track of visitors in their log files. One of the bits of information that is sent out is something called a “User Agent”. Each browser has its own user agent string. You can find the user agent that you are sending by clicking here.

So if you want to surf around impersonate googlebot all you have to do is change your user agent. The way that I do it is to use Mozilla Firefox with the User Agent Switcher extension. Both sites have a download or install button just follow the directions it is quite straight forward. One the user agent switcher is installed you go to Tools -> User Agent -> switcher -> options -> options. Then click on “User Agents” and then click on “add”. Put “Googlebot” in the Description. check................

Review: Air Mouse - iPhone als draadloze muis en toetsenbord [App Store] > Nieuws >

Review: Air Mouse - iPhone als draadloze muis en toetsenbord [App Store] > Nieuws >

vrijdag 24 oktober 2008

ScreenToaster - Free Online Screen Recorder

ScreenToaster - Free Online Screen Recorder


iPhone/iPod Touch Setup Instructions

Warning: this site is in beta use it with your data at your own risk. We advise testing with an emulator and test data.
WARNING: Apple devices WILL DELETE ALL YOUR EXISTING CONTACT AND CALENDAR DATA on the iPhone/iPod, when you configure sync. This is a feature of the iPhone and is not under our control. Make sure you have made a backup with iTunes if you need your existing device data.

To configure your Apple iPhone® 3G/2.0 and iPod® touch 2.0 to work with NuevaSync perform the following steps:

  • Before setting up your device, first configure your services on the NuevaSync site.
  • Afbeelding kaart
  • From the main menu screen open "Settings".
  • Select "Mail, Contacts, Calendar".
  • Select "Add Account".
  • Choose "Microsoft Exchange"
  • Under "Email", enter the e-mail address you used for NuevaSync registration. When you enter your e-mail address to sync, your device may warn you about a certificate being invalid. This is particularly likely if you use a GMail address. It isn't referring to our certificate or our service, so don't be concerned. It is part of Apple's auto-configuration feature as it tries to guess the appropriate server name based on your info. Our SSL certificate is valid and secure.
  • Under "Username" enter your NuevaSync username.
  • Under "Password" enter your NuevaSync password.
  • Under "Description" you can leave the default or enter a description of your choosing.
  • Tap "Next".
  • Your Apple device will display a message "Verifying Exchange account information" for a few moments.
  • When it has finished, it will display a new field, "Server".  Enter "" as the value.
  • Tap "Next".
  • On the next page, turn off "Mail".  Also turn off any other category you do not wish to sync.  For example, if you want to sync only your calendar, make sure "Mail" and "Contacts" are both turned off.  If you want to sync contacts and calendar, all you should turn off is mail.
  • Tap "Save".

For calendar users only:

donderdag 23 oktober 2008


Omdat Apple het nog steeds niet mogelijk heeft gemaakt om autocorrectie uit te schakelen hierbij een trucje om dit met twee simpele handelingen uit te schakelen.
Maak een nieuw mail of sms bericht en typ een willekeurige letter.
In ons voorbeeld een V
De autocorrectie maakt daar meteen Vla van

Ga vervolgens met behulp van de vergrootglas functie voor de letter V staan

Als je nu verder gaat typen is de auto correctie uitgeschakeld!
P.s. als je klaar bent moet je allen de letter die de autocorrectie uitzet nog even weg halen. Anders staat er: VSent from my iPhone

dinsdag 21 oktober 2008

Gmail tips

To retrieve your email from accounts other than Gmail, go to Settings then the Accounts tab. Choose Add another mail account. This takes you through a two step process for configuring a POP3 mail account. You'll first be prompted for an email address. On the next page of the form, you'll be asked for the associated password and, crucially, the POP server address for this account. You should be able to find all this information from your email provider's documentation. Once the POP details are configured click Add Account and Gmail should try to fetch messages from your old account straight away.images

6. Once you've configured Gmail to receive messages from another account - what do you do with your old inbox? Google Email Uploader has a solution for that. It enables you to transfer old emails stored in Outlook, Outlook Express or Mozilla Thunderbird to a Gmail account - even creating labels from folder names.

7. POP integration brings with it another perk; the ability to back up your old messages. Go to the Settings section, then choose Forwarding POP and IMAP. In the POP Download section select either Enable POP for all mail or Enable POP for all mail that arrives from now on. Select whether to keep or delete mail from the server when it's been downloaded then click the Configuration Instructions link to find out how to set up your particular mail client - whether it's Outlook Express, Windows Mail or Thunderbird.

maandag 20 oktober 2008

Hoge hakken


Wordt baarmoederhalskanker veroorzaakt door HPV?
Ja. Ongeveer 80% van alle vrouwen wordt gedurende haar leven besmet met het Humaan Papilloma Virus (HPV). Van al die HPV-infecties is 90% binnen een jaar weer verdwenen

het lichaam heeft het virus dan zelf opgeruimd.

Er blijft 10% over: deze vrouwen krijgen een langdurige bestaande infectie 1 jaar) met HPV. Slechts een heel klein deel (ongeveer 2%) van die vrouwen met zo’n langdurig bestaande HPV infectie, krijgt uiteindelijk baarmoederhalskanker.

Van de 10% vrouwen die na besmetting een langdurige HPV infectie krijgt, is er dus maar een enkeling die uiteindelijk baarmoederhalskanker krijgt. Ondanks screening wordt in Nederland bij ongeveer 600 tot 700 vrouwen per jaar baarmoederhalskanker vastgesteld. Er overlijden jaarlijks in Nederland zo’n 200 vrouwen aan de ziekte.

Een zesvoud verongelukt, dodelijk per jaar alleen in Nederland. (verkeer)
Een tienvoud daarvan maak zelf een einde aan het leven. Per jaar. (Nederland)

Mocht je het virus dus niet hebben, word het straks door de staat. Wel bij je ingespoten!
Met alle risocos van dien, simpel! Omdat op termijn niet bekend is wat het gevolg zal zijn.
DES moeders kunnen hier over mee praten.

Hoofddoel:Het spekken van de toch al overvolle zakken, van de dames en heren van fatsoen.

Zelfs de mensen die er goed voor betaald worden om het aan te prijzen. Haken af, en nemen ontslag.

Een betere preventie is ook hier weer, het gebruik van condooms! Die je ook hier voor, een groot deel van het risico wegneemt. (niet 100%)

dinsdag 30 september 2008

woensdag 17 september 2008

Dream On: T-Mobile To Unveil First Google Android Phone Soon - The Google Channel - IT Channel News And Views by CRN and VARBusiness

Dream On: T-Mobile To Unveil First Google Android Phone Soon
T-Mobile will be selling the HTC Dream, a smart phone that will run the Google Android open source mobile platform and is poised to take on the Apple iPhone and Research in Motion's BlackBerry, in late October, according to an article by the Wall Street Journal.
Previous reports indicated the HTC Dream could be available for pre-order as early as Sept. 17, but the Wall Street Journal says that T-Mobile will announce the HTC Dream on Sept. 23. Stefan Frank of the blog Android Authority posted a screenshot of his invitation to a press conference on Sept. 23 at 10:30 a.m. in New York City.
The HTC Dream was approved by the FCC back in August.
Details have not been confirmed, but sources such as the Wall Street Journal and the unofficial T-Mobile blog Tmonews indicate that it's likely the HTC Dream will run on the 3G network, and have a 5-inch by 3-inch touchscreen, a trackball and a sliding or swivel QWERTY keyboard.
The HTC Dream will be the first smartphone on the market equipped with Google Android software; interestingly, a variety of third party apps have already been created on the Google Android platform.
Unlike Apple, Google is throwing a lot of support behind developers who want to create apps for Google Android phones -- Google is sponsoring the Android Developer challenge with a total of $10 million in prizes for the best Google Android apps. Winning apps from the first round of the contest include cab4me, which will allow users to order a cab with a single click on their phones, and Ecorio, which automatically tracks a user's mobile carbon footprint.

dinsdag 16 september 2008

maandag 15 september 2008

iPhone 3G news, iPhone reviews, and new iPhone videos

Just over a year after Apple birthed the first iPhone, the long-awaited, next-generation iPhone 3G has arrived bearing a mildly tweaked design and a load of new features. With access to a faster 3G wireless network, Microsoft Exchange server e-mail, and support for a staggering array of third-party software from the iPhone App Store, the new handset is the iPhone we've been waiting for. It still lacks some basic features but when compared with what the original model was year ago, this device sets a new benchmark for the cell phone world.

With the iPhone 3G, Apple appears to have fixed some call-quality performance issues we had with the previous model--in our initial tests, the volume is louder with less background buzz than before. The 3G reception could be improved, however. Music and video quality were largely unchanged, but we didn't have many complaints in that department to begin with.

Price may well remain our largest concern. New AT&T customers and most current AT&T customers can buy the iPhone 3G for $199 for the 8GB model and $299 for the 16GB model. If you don't qualify for that price--check your AT&T account to find out--you'll pay $399 and $499 respectively. Either way, you'll pay $15 more per month ($74.99 total) for a plan comparable with the original iPhone ($59 per month). So, while you'll pay less outright to buy the handset, you'll make it up over the course of a standard two-year AT&T contract.

So should you buy an iPhone 3G? If you haven't bought an iPhone yet, and have been holding out for a new model, now is the time. If you're a current iPhone owner and you're yearning for a faster cellular network, then you should take the plunge. But if you're an iPhone owner who won't use 3G (or can't; check your coverage at AT&T), then you should stick with your current model. The iPhone 2.0 software update provides Exchange server support, third-party apps support, and many new features without the added cost.

You'd be hard-pressed to notice any design differences on the front of the iPhone 3G. The minor changes--the silver rim is thinner and the silver mesh behind the speaker--are so minimal we didn't notice them for a few hours after picking up the device. Turn the phone on its side, however, and you'll see more changes. Apple has replaced the aluminum silver back with a plastic face in either white or black. The black version (our review model) is attractive, but we admit that we miss the original silver, which shows fewer fingerprints and smudges than the shiny black version. The white model is not our cup of tea

zaterdag 13 september 2008

Apple re-releases iTunes 8 to fix Vista 'blue screen of death'

September 12, 2008 (Computerworld) Apple Inc. late yesterday re-released iTunes 8 for Windows to roll back a buggy driver that had been bricking Windows Vista PCs with dreaded "blue screen of death" crashes since Tuesday.

In a support document posted around 8:30 p.m. EDT on Thursday, Apple urged Vista users who had been unable to synchronize their iPods or iPhones using iTunes 8 to uninstall both iTunes and an Apple-provided device driver, then download and reinstall the entire 75MB package yet again.

From Vista's "Uninstall a Program" control panel, users should ditch the "Apple Mobile Device Support" driver as well as iTunes itself, then restart the PC. "Re-download and install the updated iTunes 8 installer from," said Apple. "Do not use the iTunes8Setup or iTunes864Setup file you previously downloaded."

Users running Microsoft Corp.'s Vista operating system had reported problems almost as soon as the updated iTunes 8 was posted for download Tuesday. According to scores of users on the Apple support forum, plugging in an iPod or iPhone caused Vista to crash, then display the "blue screen of death" (BSOD), a Windows critical error screen best known for its blue background.

Google Patents

Google Patents
Explanation of terms
Patent Title: The title of each entry in the search results is the title of that specific patent.
Patent applications: We offer you the option to limit search results to only issued patents or applications. Applications are marked as [APPLICATION] in search results.
Sorting options: We automatically sort results by relevance to your search terms, but also provide the option to sort by date.
U.S. Patent Number: The patent office assigns a unique number to each patent.
Filing Date: The filing date is the date on which the patent was filed with the USPTO. The filing date is when the inventors applied for the patent and should not be confused with the issue date, which is the date the patent office granted the patent. If we don't have a filing date for a patent, this field will be blank.
Assignee name: The assignee is the person or organization to which the rights of the patent are assigned. If we don't have an assignee for a patent, this field will be blank.
Patent snippet: We include a snippet of text from the patent to show where the specific search terms were found.

donderdag 11 september 2008

Google Alerts

Altijd op de hoogte: Google Alerts

Een andere manier waarvan veel mensen niet weten dat hij bestaat is via Google Alerts. Google Alerts zijn ‘voorgebakken’ zoekopdrachten die, zodra er op het internet een nieuwe ‘hit’ bijkomt, je daarvan via e-mail op de hoogte stellen.

Heel handig, maar hoe stel je dit nu in?

Allereerst ga je naar en log je in op je Google account (of je moet je nog even registreren bij Google). Vervolgens kom je in het overzichtscherm met al je Alerts:

Je kunt hier nu een nieuwe Alert aanmaken:

Hierbij kan je kiezen uit verschillende typen zoekopdrachten zoals Algemeen (Comprehensive) maar ook enkel video’s, news, blogs etc.
Daarna geef je op met welke frequentie je via e-mail het overzicht van deze Alert wilt ontvangen. Ik heb dit standaard op ‘as-it-happens’ gezet, zodat ik direct op de hoogte wordt gesteld bij een nieuwe hit van een zoekopdracht.

Voila, that’s it, nu wordt je dus persoonlijk door Google via e-mail op de hoogte gehouden van jouw interessegebieden!

Hoe kan je deze Alerts nu gebruiken? Er zijn een aantal toepassingen (zoekopdrachten) te bedenken:

Je eigen naam
Je hobby
Je bedrijf
Je concurrent
Publicaties van je favoriete auteur (blogger)
Een probleem waarvoor je op internet nog geen oplossing hebt gevonden

Je moet natuurlijk wel goede (’slimme’) zoekopdrachten opgeven, anders krijg je elke keer veel te veel hits binnen om nog relevant te kunnen zijn. Tussen aanhalingstekens plaatsen: Zoekt op de exacte zin, dus op DIE woorden in DIE volgorde. Voorbeeld: “fietsen”. Site: Deze ‘operator’ zoekt enkel binnen de aangegeven site.

OR: als je deze tussen verschillende zoekcriteria zet kan je in 1 keer op meerdere zaken zoeken. Type bijvoorbeeld de namen van de concurrenten in en krijg een mail met in 1 overzicht alle hits op al je concurrenten

zondag 7 september 2008

The Da Vinci Code Map of Paris - Satellite Map of Da Vinci Code Sites in Paris, France

The Da Vinci Code Map of Paris - Satellite Map of Da Vinci Code Sites in Paris, France


he new date option, screen from my Iphone

1. Do a normal search in Google
2. Put &as_qdr=d  after the search string. Just copy and paste it just behind the last digit of the URL you see after you do a search in Google. Now you get only the sources from thelast 24 hours indexed by Google (keep in mind: the date that Google found the info is not always the actual publication date). Put&as_qdr=d2 behind the string to get sources of the last two days

Apple. Opbouw

zaterdag 6 september 2008


Continuing on with the complaints about the long backup process every time you sync your iPhone, here is yet another little trick that should help to cut that time down a bit, and thankfully this suggestion will not involve turning off the backup process.
Thanks to a nice forum posting over on the HowardForums, you can now cut that sync time down and still be prepared should something unfortunate happen to your iPhone that forces you to have it replaced.
The process is simple and it involves turning off the ability to send diagnostic data to Apple.
With just a few easy steps you should be left with sync times that are much more manageable, of course this will not help if you add a bunch of new media or the first sync after you add some new apps, however regular or routine syncing should be much more pleasant.
After connecting your iPhone to your computer;
1. Uncheck the check mark from the “Automatically sync when this iPhone is connected” option in iTunes.
2. Unplug your iPhone and then plug it back in
3. Once iTunes launches again, right click on its name in the devices menu (on the left) and from menu choose “Reset Warnings”
4. Then click Sync in the bottom right hand corner
5. You will then receive a pop-up (see image below). Simply uncheck the “Do not ask me again” box
6. Now you can go back and re-apply the check to the “Automatically sync” option that you removed in Step #1

dinsdag 2 september 2008

Magnetic resonance imaging - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI), is primarily a medical imaging technique most commonly used in Radiology to visualize the structure and function of the body. It provides detailed images of the body in any plane. MRI provides much greater contrast between the different soft tissues of the body than does computed tomography (CT), making it especially useful in neurological (brain), musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and oncological (cancer) imaging. Unlike CT, it uses no ionizing radiation, but uses a powerful magnetic field to align the nuclear magnetization of (usually) hydrogen atoms in water in the body. Radiofrequency fields are used to systematically alter the alignment of this magnetization, causing the hydrogen nuclei to produce a rotating magnetic field detectable by the scanner. This signal can be manipulated by additional magnetic fields to build up enough information to reconstruct an image of the body.
MRI is a relatively new technology, which has been in use for less than 30 years (compared with over 110 years for X-ray radiography). The first MR Image was published in 1973[1] and the first study performed on a human took place on July 3, 1977[2].
Magnetic resonance imaging was developed from knowledge gained in the study of nuclear magnetic resonance. In its early years the technique was

woensdag 20 augustus 2008

dinsdag 19 augustus 2008

maandag 18 augustus 2008

iPhone Tips and Tricks thread - Mac Forums

Now that we have had our iPhone's for more than 3 days, i thought it would be a good idea if we could compile all the little things that make our iPhone experience even better than it already is. There will be a lot more people purchasing iPhone's in the future so it would be great for new owners to stop by here and get acquainted with the iPhone's features straight off the bat.

Start posting your findings! Findings will be indexed as and when updated.


Indexed by CyberGreg:

iPhone Tips

Phone: To stop an incoming call from ringing, press the sleep / wake button. To send the call immediately to VoiceMail, press the sleep / wake button twice.

Email: To delete email by just swiping left to right on the email in the list and press the delete button that pops up on the right

Caller ID: If you select a photo for a contact from the iPhone, the selected photo is shown full screen for the caller ID

Caller ID: If a contacts photo is transferred with the contact's info from the Address Book, the contact's photo is shown as a thumbnail (just like with the commercials) for the caller ID

Keystroke Saver: The trick David Pogue mentions for entering a period (hold down the punctuation key and then slide to the period and release) will allow you to enter anything on the non-alpha keyboard and return to the alpha keyboard in one swipe

iPhoto: The phone shows up in iPhoto (turn off in image capture)

iPhoto: You can use 'Camera is not Apple iPhone' in a smart playlist

iPhoto: A contacts picture folder /album is a good idea

iPhoto: A wallpaper folder / album is a good idea

iPhone: Keeping the favorites screen open allows you to unlock the screen then dial with three motions

iPhone: The home button can be used to access unlocking instead of sleep wake

iPhone: To use the CAPS LOCK feature, make sure it is enabled in the General Settings. To use it, simply double-tap on the shift key. The shift key will turn blue

Google Maps: Typing in the three letter airport code while in maps will bring the airport up on the map. So if you are trying to view a map of say Renton, WA. Typing SEA (or sea) will bring up the Seattle airport. It's relatively quick to zoom out, recenter over Renton, and zoom in again. It seems to recognize all primary and secondary US airports and many overseas airports as well.

A link to find airport codes:

Safari: When you've scrolled down to the bottom of a page, and you want to go back to the top- just tap on the top bar of the phone (where "AT&T" and the time are) and the page jumps right back up to the beginning

Safari: Doesn't provide scroll bars for text area form fields and scrollable areas in a text page. An example of this is the field I'm using to type this message in. Dragging a single finger on the page scrolls the page. If you want to scroll one of the areas I just described, use two fingers

Safari: To email a page to someone tap on the address bar. The Share button on the top left will create a message for you!

Safari: Page down. When not using a zoomed-in display, double-tap towards the bottom of the screen. The page will re-center around your tap. Make sure not to tap a link!

Safari: Jump to the top. Double-tap the very top of the screen, just below the time display to pop back to the top of the page

Safari: Zoom onto a single picture. Double-tapping images in Safari zooms them to fit your iPhone display. If the picture is linked to a URL, this can prove a little tricky but it works great for non-linked images. Double-tap again to return to the unzoomed display.

Safari: Zoom a column. You can zoom text columns as well as pictures. Double-tap on the column to fit it to the display. Double-tap again to return out of the zoom. Not only does Safari zoom block-quoted text independently of regular text but if you move your finger after the first double-tap-to-fit, it interprets the next double-tap as a re-center page command rather than a return-to-previous-zoom. Smart.

Safari: Stopping a scroll. After flicking a page to get it to scroll, you can tap the page at any time to stop that movement. Don't forget, you can also manually drag the screen display to reset the part you're viewing.

Safari: Manual zoom. This is probably one of the most-advertised Safari features (along with the flip-the-phone-on-its-side-trick) but it's worth mentioning again. To zoom into a Safari page, put your thumb and forefinger on the screen and move them apart. To zoom out, pinch the fingers together after starting with them apart.

Safari: Examining the URL. To peek at a link's destination, touch and hold the link for a few seconds. You can also do this with images to see if they are linked. If a link appears and you don't want to activate it, just slide your finger away until the destination text disappears.

Safari: Well just point your iPhone browser to a Video on google video and choose download for iPod/PSP and you can watch it right there in safari. This also shows that you can also watch videos in the vertical position not just landscape.

Bookmarks: Create a separate folder / section for all your iPhone web sites. This makes is easy to locate them while browsing the we on your iPhone.

iPhoto / Photos: Create an Album (folder) called iPhone Wallpaper and load up your favorite 320x480 wallpapers. This makes it very easy to pick a new wallpaper on your iPhone.

Address Book: Create several subgroups, this can speed up the location of a contact given the lack of an actual search function. I use Work, Family, iPhone and it automatically puts the All Contacts group. Unfortunately I do not know how to do this on a PC. Hopefully someone can post.

Web Usage: If your favorite 'news' sites offer an RSS feed, bookmark and use that on your iPhone (not update your bookmarks because your iPhone will need to revise the link and use the .mac reader). This can make browsing, even while on EDGE much faster.

Force Quit: To actually close (or Quit) an application, HOLD the Home button for about 4-8 seconds while in the application. Apparently this will save battery usage and will also keep it cooler.

zaterdag 16 augustus 2008

iPhone Fieldtest: uitleg van het onderdeel Cell Information

Zoals iedere GSM heeft ook de iPhone een Fieldtest; een diagnoseprogramma waarmee fabrikanten, providers en ontwikkelaars een kijkje “achter de schermen” kunnen nemen. Je kunt deze oproepen door in de Dialer *3001#12345#* in te toetsen gevolgd door “Call“. In deze tip leggen we uit waar de waarden in het onderdeel Cell Information voor staan.

Het onderdeel Cell Information van Fieldtest toont de details van het mobiele netwerk waarop de iPhone op dat moment is aangemeld is. De bovenste cel in het overzicht is de zendmast waar de iPhone op dat moment is aangemeld. De overige zes regels zijn de neighbours (buren). Als je je verplaatst van de ene fysieke plaats naar de andere wordt uit een van deze zes de beste roaming partner geselecteerd.

Van elke cel zijn de volgende details te zien:

“#“: MCC Landcode

204: Nederland
206: Belgïe
“Network“: MNC Netwerk ID

02: Tele2 Nederland
04: Vodafone Libertel
08: KPN Telecom
12: Telfort Nederland
16: T-Mobile
20: Orange
21: NS Railinfrabeheer
“Cell id“: Het Cell ID van de zendmast. Een zendmast kan meerdere cells hebben; bij twee (cellen) neemt iedere cel 180 graden voor zijn rekening. Veel netwerken maken gebruik van drie cellen per zendmast, waardoor elke cel 120 graden van de omgeving voor zijn rekening neemt. Providers verwerken vaak identificatiecodes in deze Cell ID waarmee ze de apparatuur kunnen traceren.

“Location“: Code welke gekoppeld is aan een database met geografische gegevens.

“Station“: Unieke code van de zendmast.

“Freq“: Frequentieblok dat wordt gebruikt.

1 t/m 124 - 900 Mhz band
128 t/m 251 - 850 Mhz band
512 t/m 885 - 1800 Mhz band
“Rx Level“: Ontvangen signaalsterkte. In de praktijk bevindt deze zich tussen de -50 dBm en -105 dBm. Hoe dichter de waarde bij de 0 ligt, hoe sterker het signaal is.

“C1” & “C2“: Op basis van deze twee waardes wordt door de iPhone bepaald of er roaming moet plaats vinden naar een andere cell.

Tip: Heb je geen zin om steeds opnieuw *3001#12345#* in te tikken in, dan kun je ook een icoon voor op je Springboard plaatsen. Je vindt deze als FTi in onder Tweaks. Let op! alleen voor 1.1.2 of lager.

vrijdag 15 augustus 2008


En Bob wat heeft onze voormalige crimineel gewonnen?
Waar elk ander voor in de bak gaat zonder behoud van inkomsten!

93 duizend euro per jaar! En dat zes (6) jaar lang! = 558.000,00 Fl 1,2 miljoen gulden
Daarbij uiteraard een vergoeding voor de ziektekostenverzekering!
Dat spreek voor zich als je boven de wet leeft.

Maar dat geld voor alle kamerleden! Die een dergelijke kostenpost niet kunnen dragen…
Jan met de pet mag wel de volle premie betalen.

Report: Software fix in the works for iPhone 3G | One More Thing - CNET

Apple is said to be planning a software fix for the iPhone 3G's reception problems.

(Credit: Apple)
The issues plaguing the iPhone 3G are indeed related to a chip inside the phone, according to a new report, but the solution could be easier than expected.

Business Week is reporting that, according to its sources, Infineon's chip inside the iPhone 3G is the root cause of the reception problems that numerous iPhone 3G owners have reported over the last month. Nomura Securities analyst Richard Windsor first suggested Infineon was to blame in a research note earlier this week.

The good news, however, is that apparently Apple believes it can fix the problems with a software upgrade, according to Business Week. A Swedish researcher who had discovered sensitivity issues in the iPhone 3G's chipset thought the problems would have to be solved through some sort of recall, but Apple and Infineon are said to be testing a software update that could be released perhaps as early as the end of this month.

NOS | Olympische Spelen 2008

NOS Olympische Spelen 2008

aXbo Schlafphasenwecker

aXbo, the word's first sleep phase alarm clock, is designed to wake you individually at your optimal wake up time during a light sleep phase. aXbo offers the perfect start to your day:

* You wake up naturally, feeling wonderfully relaxed and calm.

* You are already fit, balanced and in the right mood for
an active day, full of energy.

Having a very good night's rest!
Everybody knows the feeling - you wake up in the morning like by your inner clock and you feel wonderfully relaxed and rested. Therefore we have invented the alarm clock of the future waking you up optimally at your best sleep phase - like waking up by your inner clock.

How does aXbo, the first sleep phase alarm clock of the world, work?
aXbo registers your individual optimal wake up time via your body movements and wakes you up in between the last 30 minutes before your wake up time.
Your movements are detected and gathered with a comfortable towelling wristband and submitted to the sleep phase alarm clock.

What else can aXbo do?
aXbo has a variety of additional functions, such as the possibility to wake two people independently of each other, analysis software for movement data, specially developed sounds to fall asleep and wake up to, your computer port and much
The unique wake-up-algorithm of aXbo chooses the optimal wake up time through differentiating the various sleeping phases by tracking the body movements .It thus determines the optimal wake up time. Your movements are detected and gathered with a comfortable towelling wristband and submitted to the sleep phase alarm clock.

How do I use aXbo? How does it work? You set your new aXbo as usual to your wake up time e.g. 7.00 a.m. The best wake up window is 30 minutes; e.g. you might be woken up at 6.47 a.m.-your optimal wake up time. Thus aXbo even gives you a little extra time.

Can I oversleep with aXbo? In the event of the above-named example aXbo will wake you up reliably at the latest.

woensdag 13 augustus 2008

T - mobiel NL.

T-Mobile's Netherlands division is blaming the iPhone 3G's reception issues on Apple.

In a company blog posting Tuesday morning spotted by a forum contributor at MacRumors, T-Mobile Netherlands threw the iPhone 3G under the bus, blaming Apple for the problems its customers have been experiencing connecting to 3G networks in that country. Complaints have been cropping up in the U.S. as well about the iPhone 3G's performance on AT&T's network.

"The 3G coverage of T-Mobile is as good as the competition, there can therefore not lie. We suspect that it is a hardware / software specific issue of the iPhone itself," T-Mobile Netherlands said, according to a Google Translation of the post. A former colleague fluent in Dutch translated the second part of the first sentence as saying "so that should not be the issue."

The Google translation of another part of the blog is hilarious, and I'll just post it for amusement: "We therefore recommend to the software updates from Apple in the eye. This you get through iTunes." As you might have guessed, Apple is not delivering software updates through the eyes of iPhone 3G users: my former colleague translated that first sentence as "We advise customers to keep an eye on Apple's software updates."

This is obviously a bit self-serving of an argument for T-Mobile, and they don't exactly back it up. But their willingness to acknowledge the issues in a public forum--as well as blame Apple for the problems--sets them apart from the rest of the wireless industry currently offering the iPhone 3G. Again, it's unclear just how widespread the iPhone 3G reception problems are, but they are being reported all over the globe, and I've never received as much e-mail from Apple customers about a single product issue (even before asking for submissions) as I have over this one.

An Apple representative did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment, but I'll update if I hear from the company.

Analyst: Infineon chipset possible cause of iPhone 3G issues | One More Thing - CNET

A financial analyst believes Apple's iPhone 3G reception issues may be the result of some faulty chips.

Richard Windsor of Nomura published a research note (spotted at GigaOm) Tuesday singling out the iPhone 3G's chipset, made by Infineon, as the probable culprit for the reception problems we reported on Monday. The dropped calls, service interruptions, and abrupt network switches experienced by iPhone 3G users reminded Windsor of similar complaints five years ago, when 3G phones were first launched in Europe.

"We believe that these issues are typical of an immature chipset and radio protocol stack where we are almost certain that Infineon is the 3G supplier," Windsor wrote. "This is not surprising as the Infineon 3G chipset solution has never really been tested in the hands of users. Some people will not experience these problems as it is only in areas where the radio signal weakens that the immaturity of the stack really shows."

The problem for Apple is that if Windsor's theory is correct, that would mean a firmware upgrade is unlikely to solve the problems, he wrote. The problems might be confined to a certain build of iPhones, or a certain batch of chips, but "this shows the risk of not going with a tried and tested solution."

An Infineon spokesman declined to comment on anything iPhone related, but said he would check into whether the particular chipset used in the iPhone 3G had been used in other phones. Apple has refused to acknowledge any issues with the iPhone 3G.

dinsdag 12 augustus 2008

Flump: Maak een backup van je Flickr foto’s. » Lifehacking

Flump: Maak een backup van je Flickr foto’s. » Lifehacking

One More Thing - OMT App Store favorieten: GPS

One More Thing - OMT App Store favorieten: GPS

iPhone and iPod touch: How to update or correct Maps location information

iPhone and iPod touch: How to update or correct Maps location information
Laatste bewerkingsdatum: 11 maart 2008
Artikelnummer: 307549

If you are using Wi-Fi on iPhone or iPod touch and you experience unexpected results when tapping the Location button in Maps, you can refer the respective wireless router administrator to the following URL to update information that Skyhook has about the wireless router's information:
Important: The data collected to provide your location does not identify you personally. If you do not want such data collected, you can choose not to enable the feature. Choosing not to enable the feature does not negatively impact your iPhone or iPod touch in any way.

Important: Mention of third-party websites and products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance or use of information or products found at third-party websites. Apple provides this only as a convenience to our users. Apple has not tested the information found on these sites and makes no representations regarding its accuracy or reliability. There are risks inherent in the use of any information or products found on the Internet, and Apple assumes no responsibility in this regard. Please understand that a third-party site is independent from Apple and that Apple has no control over the content on that website. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
Het feit dat de locate-me functie bij sommigen wel en bij anderen niet werkt; komt door de bekendheid van jouw router in een database.

Voeg dus je locatie en MAC-adres toe, weekje wachten, en voila, het werkt in ieder geval bij je thuis/werk/enz.

maandag 11 augustus 2008


25 Must-See YouTube Sports Videos's Jimmy Traina has compiled 25 of the most memorable, funny, hard-to-believe and bizarre YouTube clips -- excluding game highlights -- that every sports fan should watch. For more, check out Luke Winn's in-depth feature on how YouTube has played a significant role in sports fans' lives.

donderdag 31 juli 2008


CuilWelcome to Cuil—the world’s biggest search engine. The Internet has grown. We think it’s time search did too.
The Internet has grown exponentially in the last fifteen years but search engines have not kept up—until now. Cuil searches more pages on the Web than anyone else—three times as many as Google and ten times as many as Microsoft.

Rather than rely on superficial popularity metrics, Cuil searches for and ranks pages based on their content and relevance. When we find a page with your keywords, we stay on that page and analyze the rest of its content, its concepts, their inter-relationships and the page’s coherency.

Then we offer you helpful choices and suggestions until you find the page you want and that you know is out there. We believe that analyzing the Web rather than our users is a more useful approach, so we don’t collect data about you and your habits, lest we are tempted to peek. With Cuil, your search history is always private.

Cuil is an old Irish word for knowledge. For knowledge, ask Cuil.

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

zondag 13 juli 2008

Apple Store (Nederland) - MobileMe

Apple Store (Nederland) - MobileMe

€ 79,00

Verzenddatum: Binnen 24 uur

Meld u aan voor 1-Click

zaterdag 12 juli 2008

[iPhone 3G] Ervaringen & Discussie Deel 9 - Apple Talk - GoT

Wat is de nieuwe functionaliteit van de 2.0 software?

De functionaliteit is voor de nieuwe en oude iPhone gelijk en is alleen beperkt door de hardware. Het is onder te verdelen in 3 categoriën: de nieuwe functionaliteit die vooral interessant voor bedrijven is, de SDK en de nieuwe functionaliteit voor de "gewone" consumenten.

Voor bedrijven is er naast Microsoft Exchange support, ondersteuning voor Cisco VPN netwerken, auto-discovery, remote wipe en betere beveiligingen voor draadloze netwerken, zoals 802.1X en WPA2 worden ondersteund.

De SDK voegt de mogelijkheid toe voor ontwikkelaars om software te ontwikkelen. Deze software wordt verkocht via de App store. Deze zorgt er ook voor dat updates beschikbaar worden gesteld etc. De AppStore is beschikbaar in 62 landen, en alle applicaties die kleiner zijn dan 10 MB kunnen via het mobiele netwerk worden gedownload.

Voor de eindgebruiker zijn er ook veel nieuwe features, ik zal de belangrijkste hier noemen. Er is volledige ondersteuning voor zowel iWork als MS Office documenten (incl. Powerpoint). In het adresboek zit nu ook een zoekfunctie. In Mail is het mogelijk om meerdere e-mails tegelijk te verwijderen of verplaatsen.

vrijdag 11 juli 2008

App Store

Je kunt de iPhone App Store al bekijken via iTunes. Zorg dat je de laatste versie van iTunes download (versie 7.7, op je Mac via Systeem voorkeuren>Sofware update, in Windows via het iTunes menu) en type App Store in de zoekfunctie, dan krijg je een aantal applicaties te zien. Klik op één van die applicaties en dan verschijnt in het kruimelpad in de bovenbalk de App Store. Klik er op en je bent in het hoofdmenu van de App Store.

Er zijn bijna 100 gratis applicaties te vinden op de Amerikaanse versie van de iTunes store, de Nederlandse is nog wat beperkt, maar dat zal niet lang duren. Een gratis cadeautje van Apple is er in ieder geval voor iedereen: vanaf morgen kun je iTunes en Apple TV bedienen vanaf je iPhone of je iPod Touch.