dinsdag 1 augustus 2006

Transparant maken in Windows XP.

Windows XP... By adjusting the transparency of a window.

you'll be able to see the contents of any windows beneath, as well as the desktop...Windows 2000 and XP have the built-in ability to display variable transparency, but do not provide a method to adjust transparency levels for standard applications... We'll be using a free and extremely lightweight utility called Vitrite...
Klik op foto.
Vitrite uses very little resources, and allows you to adjust the transparency for any Windows application...Vitrite can be downloaded from here...

After you have downloaded and installed Vitrite, you can adjust individual window transparency by pressing Control+Shift+(number from top row of keyboard), for example Control-Shift-1 = 10% visible, etc...

Control-Shift-0 returns the windows back to 100%...Another cool feature of this utility is that you can make a window always stay on top by pressing Control-Shift-+... Pressing this combination again causes the windows to revert back from its "Always on Top" state...

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